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Event Details

    SHRMA Membership Drive

    Date: October 28, 2020, 11:00am – 1:00pm
    Gail Lemmon, SHRMA President
    Patriot Parkway Pavilion (located outside across from Willie Sue's)
    Sumter, SC
    Event Type:
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    Membership Drive - Pumpkin Decorating Contest and Pick-Up Lunch

    Have you ever thought of joining your local SHRM chapter?

    Are you a member wishing to renew your membership for next year?

    Decorate pumpkins (we'll supply the decorations and pumpkins), pick-up lunch from Chick-fil-A, learn about joining the local SHRM chapter and meet some of our active members.

    All new members and renewing members submitting an application for membership by November 30th will be entered into a drawing for $100 gift card.

    Bring a chair to sit outside and wear a mask when you are unable to socially distance.